Friday, July 29, 2011

Open Thread

PLUSAs in Exile - Day 2

A Nightline Special Report with Ted Koppel


  1. Fresh coffee in the pantry, hot and iced.

  2. How the Grinch Stole the OT
    (apologies to Dr. Seuss)

    It was three-quarters past eight...
    Half the PLUSAs, still a-bed
    Half the PLUSAs, a-work
    When Mr. B posted his thread,
    "Had enough of their posts! Their Raunch Hour! Their gatherings!"
    "Their profanity! And their puns! And their incessant plathering!"

    Mr. B hopped on his bike. In the bike lane he sped,
    He raced to his office. The OT is dead!!
    "Pooh-pooh to the PLUSAs!" he was grinch-ish-ly humming.
    "They're finding out now that no OT is coming!"
    "They're just logging in! I know just what they'll do!"
    "Their mouths will hang open a minute or two"
    "Then all the PLUSAs in Brooklyn will all cry BOO-HOO!"

    "That's a noise," grinned Mr. B,
    "That I simply must hear!"
    So Mr. B paused. And put a hand to his tin ear.
    And he did hear a sound rising over the blog.
    It started in low. Then it started to grow...
    But the sound wasn't sad!

    Why, this sound sounded merry!
    It couldn't be so!
    But it WAS merry! VERY!

    He read Jackal’s Pub!
    Mr. B popped his eyes!
    Then he shook!
    What he saw was a shocking surprise!

    Every PLUSA in Brooklyn, the tall and the small,
    Was posting! Without any OT at all!
    He HADN'T stopped PLUSAs from posting!
    Somehow or other, PLUSAs came just the same! (nh)

    And Mr. B, with his grinch-feet sweltering at the Flea,
    Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be?"
    “They post with no OT! They post with no threads!"
    “They post without Disqus cuz the OT is dead!"
    And he puzzled eight hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
    Then Mr. B thought of something he hadn't before!
    "Maybe PLUSAs," he thought, "don't need an OT.”
    "Being a PLUSA...perhaps...means a little bit more!"

  3. Good morning!

    That is genius Cgar.

    You have children and have time for that?

    I can barely finish one blog entry. He's days from crawling and he woke up four times last night--now I can't sleep of course.

  4. Josie, you need to spend more time her to get to know CGar. he's neither genius nor does he have children. He tries at both though.

  5. And yes, I'm late today. Details on a need to know basis.

  6. CGar is the child.

    BTW, I didn't see where the brownies were in the pantry.

  7. am very eager to meet BK Ivy next Thurs. very interesting CAT - fake or real

  8. OK, I had insomnia last night and decided to cure it when vodka.

    Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of creating web sites when drunk, and when I woke up, I found up on my screen.

    This is an example of how quick it is to set up a community based blog site with a lot of features from day one.

    I'm picking up my sister and her family from the airport in a few hours, but I'll check in to see if anyone has created an account.
    If I recognize you, I'll make you a site editor so you can kick the tires and add your own posts, polls, etc...

    If you think it sucks, is to premature, or is in the wrong direction, I'll have no hard feelings. It was just something I did to pass the time when I could not sleep.

  9. Back in the mid-60’s, when the Age of
    Entitlements actually was born under the Johnson
    Administrations’ policies of “Guns and Butter,”
    entitlements as a percentage of all federal spending were “only” 27%. By the mid-80’s that had risen to something near 47%, depending upon which year one chooses to mark that relationship for it hovered between 45-50% throughout that decade. By the mid-90’s it was
    up to 55%; by the turn of the century it was 60% and now it is 66% and rising. Two of every three dollars that the US government spends is spent on entitlements.

  10. 1Q GDP revisions were a bitch slap

  11. DIBS, how will Boner restore his image given tea party folks embarassed him with their mutiny??

  12. He won't. The republican APrty has to coalesce and distance itself from the Tea Party. they need to do major damage control and shift the blame, even if it means not counting them among their ranks, because, clearly they are not

  13. DIBS, do you believe some of those tea party crew really wants US to default or that's just rhetoric?

  14. Just rhetoric. The deal will still get done before Aug 2

  15. Attention Everyone!!

    banging pots and pans!...wakey wakey!

    Who is doing this?

    Posted in the "End of the OT Thread"!!

    brooklynheightsivyiii posted:


    Long live the Open Thread.

  16. CGar, I love your Suess, it's wonderful. : ) (sniff, sniff)

  17. CGar, ask the firewalled PLUSA's to go see if they can get thru to that site Scott put up - ie to see if that platform is viable

  18. M4L, Did you see this.....

  19. Cobble, why can't I get a login to work so I don't have to use the drop doen "Comment as" every fucking time????

  20. I don't know, DIBS, I wish I could see your dashboard settings. Have you looked at the dashboard (upper right of screen) to see if there is anything there to adjust?

  21. I tested the one I set up for all of the technical issues that would keep people from being able to post, and it seems to pass.

    Moving forward, I think there is a fundamental question about the "OT in exile" to be answered.

    If the idea is to just recreate the OT, then a page like this or brooklynheightsivyiii's on a public blogging service works fairly well, although there are still technical issues that will keep some people from posting.

    If the idea is to create an entire site with multiple contributors and different types of functionality, I think a new site like the one I set up makes the most sense. In addition to more features and more customization, way we also have total control over the technology and policies of the site.

  22. Cobble, who you think is the author/host of that site?

  23. DIBS, Can you go to your Dashboard and find "My account" tab, and look at what you have entered in there?

  24. probably our boy Ivy right?

  25. M4L, It must be Brooklyn Ivy or someone connected to him. I'm really puzzling over this. Wy does BHI appear, then the OT ends, then BHIiii appears, then this blog appears.

    Do you think this blog over there is Mr. B?

  26. DIBS, you need to hire me to help you with your gmail acct and your iTunes. I also do windows. ; )

  27. Everything looks like I'm signed in but I keep getting the same request to "Comment as"

  28. if it's Mr B then he lost his marbles (which I doubt). Dude needs to right the ship with his blog vs wasting time with us castoffs

  29. post seem to work fine & easy at Scott's blog

  30. mornin' my lovelies. happy friday and all that jazz :-)

  31. seems to work very well

    are there any firewall issues????

  32. GM all! I think you need to start with the premise that BHIiii is a caricature. An absolutely hilarious one made up by some ingenious and very witty person. Most of what he says is obviously made up, but not in an effort to mislead; in an effort to amuse. And amuse he does. Secondly, the other OT site set up is cool and I love the manifesto. Possibly BHIiii, certainly not Mr. B.

    In other news, I will still post occasionally on Brownstoner if I can, but loving the playground over here. Thanks again, Lech.

    CGar, where's the Sweet 'n Low?

  33. wait...are we switching over to a new site? i saw the one bkivy put up. love the images and the manifesto made me giggle.

  34. don't know yet hence why I asked CGar to route those fireWALLed PLUSAs to test that out

  35. 9:22 post was me

    - Biff

  36. if breakfast orders are being taken, i'd like some cream of wheat with bacon crumbled in it, hot banana slices stirred in, a smidge of cinammon and a dollop of honey. Oh, and a glass of oj, no pulp. Danke.

  37. The BHI iii site is too problematic. Forget it. No one wants to do word verification for every comment

    Check out seems very easy

  38. snappy, we testing out platforms that'll resolve firewall issues also to see what features make sense etc. there is some interest & seed money involved but conviction is TBD

  39. word verification? you have to do it for every single comment or just when you first login?

  40. BIFF.......can you get into through your corporate server?????

  41. Ah, well, I'll provide any legal advice for a low, low cost :-) J/'s free...if I can douse you all with glitter at least once a year :-) Has anyone looked at Mr. B's facebook OT? Does it have any posts?

  42. Biff, easy to tell it's you. I suspect if you crossed the "curiousity" line, you would be hitting up Ivy

  43. Scott and BHI need to get together! I love the Manifesto over at BHIs site.

  44. This is starting to go off the rails...which site are we going to use????

    I think BHS's site is the easiest.

    But still needs some organization on the Home page to get the threads more defined...looks like there are 2 of them

  45. Incorporate the Jackals Pub Logo too

  46. who






    someone hand me an asprin please, and a loaded 9 mm to put my brain out of its misery

  47. DIBS, as with The Pub, I can view the site on my Death Star computer but can't comment. Unlike Brownstoner, however, I can at least view other comments (and presumably comment via Blackberry, which is what I'm doing now - tedious but better than nothing).

    - Biff

  48. Biff...maybe your corp upped the firewall security recently

  49. Out until 5 am doing farewell drinks.

    Nothing quite like a bar in Soho to make one feel old and out of shape. Those kids are fucking bionic. What do they feed them?

  50. Morning everyone! Loved the homage to the Grinch.

  51. DIBS, yes, at some point they disabled scripts it seems so I can't comment on any site as far as I ca tell. But at least here I can view comments on the screen, which is a major advantage over Brownstoner. Whatever site people decide on, I'll be there. Just please don't use disqus!!!

    - Biff

  52. Okay I went and read BHiii's posts. hardly amusing or funny, or perhaps just not my kind of humor. i also hate internet phonies and fake personas. what's the point!?


  53. Rob, you were in my dream last night. I was at my apartment waiting for you to come over and you kept getting lost. Meanwhile, as I waited, all of these cool people from different stages of my life kept showing up. My alarm sounded before you made it :(



    We need to discuss the site. Do we stay here or use which seems to work very well and the registration issue is very simple.

    Or de we ask BHS to reconstruct jackal's pub on his format


    Drink more water, lech!! : P

  56. Lech,

    did you even bother going home vs just going back into your office to sleep and shower in the gym this morning

  57. if can't decide by aug2 which will be the permanent site,
    world will come to an end.
    Don't let those teabaggers bring the whole internet down.

  58. quote:
    Nothing quite like a bar in Soho to make one feel old and out of shape. Those kids are fucking bionic. What do they feed them?

    what bars in soho did you go to? my jobs HH always take place at bars in soho. other than drinks being a total rip off, i hardly ever see bionic "kids". it's mostly older people and younger eurotrash.


  59. DIBS is right (g*d it kills me to say that...) We need to pick a branch to perch on. I'm getting dizzy switching browser windows...

  60. i do hope the branch you perch on breaks. at whatever site is chosen


  61. Let's get BHS's site all running fine & dandy and then we can get jackal to port over to there

  62. WINNING! I can post on BHS's site on my work desktop! Suh-weet!! Not sure if BHS can update the Pub to mirror lifeinbkln. If not, can we use that site?

    Amazing what BHS could do in no time. Mr B should have consulted him.

    - Biff

  63. i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE getting paid on mondays. every other weekend is RUINED!! GRR


  64. Did any of you ingrates say thank you to Scott yet? Sheesh! [thanks Scott!]


  65. JB is right.

    Scott,thank you for getting all liquored up and working on this all night! : P

  66. Biff, Mr B's ears are deafened (self-inflicted though as he's of belief why the F would I want to listen to anyone else but me; of course if you big paying customer, tell me tell me)

  67. Morning OT--why not take the artwork from BHIiii's site and put it on BHS's site, add a jackal's pub logo and you've got your new playground. How is everybody holding up?


  68. Thanks Scott!!

    - Biff the ingrate

    Simply because I can post so much easier of Scott's site, I'm going to hang there. I'll lurk here and periodically comment until the move is complete. Good thing I'm Jewish and my people are historically Nomadic. All this moving can take a toll!

  69. I agree wasder. BHI's site is userunfriendly. we want the best of all three worlds.

    I think we are soon on our way to getting it is the most user friendly and even biff can post through corporate firewall

  70. I haven't tried the other sites yet but wanted to say how great the Seuss take-off is! Kudos, CG!!

  71. BHI fixed the posting issue. Can't we combine all 3? There's so much good stuff! And I'm in love with the Manifesto on BHI's site!

  72. Yes, agree with wasder!

    Lech, BHS, BHI: must make contact! You are our future!!

  73. since the fireWALLed PLUSA's can post on scott's blog, it's in the lead right now as most probable landing spot. but I think we need to be active at both sites for a bit as newbies and other PLUSAs might find their way here and we need to be here to welcome them before re-routing them to scott's site

  74. I can only post on BHS's site from my desktop. Can we please use that site and not a blogspot site? Just take the manifesto over to LifeinBklyn, if BHI agrees.

    - Biff

  75. LifeinBkln is going down for a few minutes. Do not panic.

  76. I don't want LifeinBkln to be my site only.

    Whatever everyone agrees on is good.

    In terms of moving there too fast, I will say that I cannot guarantee the stability of the site for the next week, since it is new and I will be busy.

  77. BHI and get him on board

  78. I think Scott is a great guy for doing this! But we do need to play around with things a bit over there- it's difficult to read and see where things are. BHI's site is clearer but like cobble says- I'm dizzy from going back and forth. And I do like the pub so maybe there is a way to work that in.

    MM and I were tosiing aroudn names last night and came up with BklynLife- funny that is is so similar. Great job, Scott.

  79. Oof- looking at my post and seeing all the glaring typos- BHS- PLEASE! an edit function :)

  80. And if it's ok with you, Scott- can I send over some banner ideas for the new site? Can you give me a pixel size?

  81. I asked BHI on his OT and he said he might be open to joining forces, but he wants to try his for awhile. Someone please convince him to join with us!

    He's clearly very busy trying to pick out which school tie to wear and scotch to drink this evening and just doesn't have enough hours in the day to tell his maid what to do! He clearly needs our assistance! : P

  82. And CGar's Suess piece is coming with us wherever we land, too!!

  83. bxgrl, as I posted over there, I am going MIA in about 90 minutes. My sister and here two kids are on a plane heading this way and I get to play tour guide.

    I have made you a site admin, so you can play around with all the layout settings.

    As I have said before, I don't want this to be only my project. I want this to be a consensus thing.

  84. bxgrl, you've been promoted to site admin for scott's site. just don't overwhelm us with too many Cat pics everyhwere

  85. Cobble, what's BHIs site addy again????


  87. Imploring everyone to use Scott's site as the base as it's most corporate-firewall friendly and I, DeLepp, etson can post most easily there. My two cents...

    - Biff

  88. Morning all. I'll be driving up to DIBS' home turf (Albany) in a few minutes. Have fun today.

    I was thinking further about Mr. B.'s slap in the fugurative PLUSA face, and how disconnected it was from the reality of the site. In the past year or so, the biggest generator of acrimony and negativity - by far - were the bike lane threads. None of the PLUSA's were the protagonists in those episodes. Not only that, but Mr. B. milked the bike lane wars for all he could.

  89. Yes, agreed, Biffy. And we NEED to convince BHI to join us. But I suspect he doesn't want to out himself to us. Must work on him people!

  90. I agree Biff.

    Let's get jackal on board and port over there

    We want the banner to reflect jackal's pub contribution to all of this

  91. Cool!! Thanks scott (gotta go pull out those cat pics!)

    Agree, dibs- we owe lech a big one.

    And i also love the manifesto. Hope BHI comes over to us.

  92. Re: Manifesto.
    1. Fuhgetaboutit!
    2. Goes against my nature
    3 thru whatever: OK


  93. I've gone from giving up blogging to now having three blogs up on my computer. Thanks Cobble and DIBS for supporting the move to BHS' site. And thanks to Lech again for setting this up - I hope he's ok with us using

    - Biff



  95. I think lech will be ok with it, he's said as much. And yes, we owe him many thanks for giving us a launch pad!

  96. I am all for choice, so if my site doesn't work for you I am happy you have other options.
    For the record:
    1. I am not Mr. B. Seriously, how could you come to that conclusion?
    2. I am all about being being amusing. I amuse myself far too much and am terribly self-centered, so it doesn't matter to me if you don't find me amusing. I would actually be surprised if there were not people who found me obnoxious and dull. If I am ruffling feathers I must be doing something right.
    3. This is not a performance art project. I believe wasting time on something one enjoys(however banal or crazy) is the ultimate luxury.

  97. DH, get your ass over to scott's site so I can see your avatar more clearly

  98. Will re-direct traffic when I get back to computer. Currently ridiculously hung over waiting for train.

  99. Ivy, you showing up to Montero's next Thurs? you have some fans - particularly the former OT President Biff

  100. Lech, thought you were already at the office before. You're at the irvington train station?

  101. Lech...I apologize again for calling you an asshole the first time we met

    Hugs (no homo)

  102. Oh cripes, DIBS, don't start being nice to him NOW! : P

  103. Cobble why always such a bitch????

  104. Why, Isn't that one of the things you lurve about me? ; )

  105. That and your pasty white skin

  106. Crap, Just got a call, I have to go out in a bit to take care of an emergency. Nothing life-threatening, but I prolly won't be back for a few hours. Later, PLUSAs.

  107. hi everyone!
    oooh! I like your new offices. very nice!
    I probably will continue posting on the OTHER site, especially MM's threads, which I do enjoy.
    I think BHI and BHIiii are the same person and they are good at satire. yesterday iii was pretty hillarious. bye for now.

  108. BHiii, you're awesome. please join us at

  109. Minard...we are now on

    Come join us

  110. having to restart the site again.
    I may need to upgrade the hosting plan I have

  111. BHS, If you need us to kick in a few bucks, let us know.

  112. can people stay away for 30 minutes or so when I adjust things?

  113. think we should be kicking in the bucks to Scott at the gathering next week

  114. its back up now as good as it will be until I get an upgrade.

  115. I put up a re-direct post. Can't figure out how to auto redirect.

    I really thought we should have waited until the new place was fully de-bugged and tested etc before moving people over there. But now that people are over there we should just do it and be definitive about it. I think there is a real risk that with all of this moving around the whole thing fizzles.

    I will post over there from now on.

  116. I did not really mean for the tidal wave to happen.

    I think waiting probably would have better as well, especially since there are already resource issues.

    personally, I don't mind a dual approach, but I understand that others do not.

    and I really am heading out the door now.

  117. out of memory over there again. i think folks need to refrain from posting pictures until scott gets a chance to upgrade the hosting (and we pay him for it).
